Friday, October 2, 2009

Rant on Stinky People

This may offend some people, but I really need to project my opinion to the whole world.

If you don't take a bath or shower everyday, YOU SHOULD!
Do you know how much people you are hurting with your stink? If you don't want to wash everyday, couldn't you at least put a lot of deodorant, perfume or cologne?!?
I was at the immigration today, and these people sat down in front of me and my mom. The race of the people who sat in front of are usually known for their stinkiness. Oh for God's sake? I don't know anything about your culture, but can you please explain to me why all of smell like that?!? I may being racist, buy this is for the food of everyone else!
They were so stinky, 3 rows behind them were whispering about their stink! Nearly everyone on those rows, including me and my mom, moved to a different place.

So that's a message to all you stink people! Make yourself smell good when you go out okay! I know some people of your race whoake an effort to not stink. They are your role models!
I'm doing this on my iPod Touch and I'm having a hard time. I'm using up my battery for you stink people to change, SO YOU BETTER!!!

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